How Increased My GPA 2.12 to 3.21?

Kuzey Köse
4 min readJul 13, 2021


When I started the university, my ideas were amazingly incredible. I thought I could work hard, do some projects, and double major. My English was not okay for getting lessons on English. I went to a prep school to improve. Then, my first years in university started in my department of electrical and electronics engineering.

I studied strictly, for five or six months. My first midterms are fantastic as a result of studying. Day by day, I became lazy about my lessons. I traveled, watched tv series, hanged out with my friends a lot. Then, my grades decreased effects of these, because I didn’t want to study. My department was Electronics and electrical engineering but, I spend so much time programming. When the freshman year ends, my GPA of first-year is 2.12. I got some F and D but, my programming class was A. The second year didn’t something changing in my life. I started to earn some money for working in Pull&Bear. Also, I read a lot of books in this less studying time about anything such as electronics, novels, programming, etc. When the second year ends, my GPA was 2.38. I increased by 0.26 with a bit of effort like working one day before the exam. Somewhere deep in my mind, I realized that I don’t want to live like this. I feel bad because I could do better than this. My hard-working skills are strong. I wanted to study, increasing my GPA, earn money on programming.

Second year’s summer, when the school ended. I worked on how to study and how to manage my time. I read some books about self-improvement on this topic such as Checklist Manifesto, Atomic Habits, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Then, day by day, I improved myself. Also, I studied programming in my free time. When the third year started, I wanted to ready for difficulties. I selected an extra two classes under semesters. Any my responsibility directly increased.

I started to study a lot. Because my goal was that trying to enhance my GPA upper than 3.00. In the first semester of the 3rd year, stress came directly because of responsibility. I never studied like that in 2 years. The first semester, I handled all these lessons but My GPA was not increased so much. My semester GPA was 3.02 but overall was 2.62. I needed to work much harden than this. I remember that my parents and my friends said that ‘You don’t have to work like this. You are so tired.’ But I set my goal. Then the second semester of the 3rd year, I challenged myself to get two more lessons with more credits. I got used to these studying hours. At the same time, I wanted to do something about computer science. I used ReactJs a year, I wanted to use it in school. I sent some emails to my professors about what should I do? Then, they give me a project about SmartPark. Afterward, this project was not talked about until the 4th year. When the third year ended, my semester GPA was 3,83 and my overall jumped to 2,95. I needed to continue this studying in the fourth year and I studied programming in the summer.

My fourth year continued with long study hours. My responsibility accrued with the final project. SmartPark project came into my life and my professors choose me as a researching assistant. Then, I earned some money while doing my final project. Also, the SmartPark project was based on ReactJs because I wanted to create like that. End of the first semester, my semester GPA was 3.72 and overall was 3.17. I achieved my goal exactly! Then my internship time came on the break. I did my internship at the RBS company, also, I am currently working here :). Then they offered me a part-time job while studying. I was really confused, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. And, I accepted! The coming semester waited for me with lots of difficulties. The worst experience was started when the semester started. I worked for a company, I studied my lessons and I worked for the school as a searching assistant. My working and studying time was above 13–14 hours. My semester GPA was decreased by 3.17 and overall was increased by 3.21. I graduated with a 3.21 GPA.

I’ve reached my goal! I got a full-time job offer.
We will see my next career life…

30 day blogging challenge #9



Kuzey Köse
Kuzey Köse

Written by Kuzey Köse

Software Engineer and may be content creator.

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