Vodafone Discover Program Interview Experience
This is my 30 day blogging challenge starting day. I just want to talk my self, my ideas and what I do in a day. My main idea is improving my writing skills in english end of the 30 days. Also, I planned to study grammar essentials of this period. One of the book is English Grammar in Use Intermediate Learners and likely the same book with Advanced Grammar in Use. These two book will help me when I am stuck.
Why I want to do this?
When I start the university which is Istanbul Bilgi University, I went to prep school for learning english, it took one year. Then I passed my main department at university which is 100% of english. Electrical and Electronics engineering (EEEN) is quite difficult for understanding concepts in english. After two year, pandemic came and school brakes directly. The all universities got through this situation with online lessons. So, I realize that my english is regressed day by day because of less thinking english in lessons. Also, I graduated in EEEN and then I interview Vodafone company for discover talent program. The english interview is the worst experience for me because my practical knowledge is gone. So, I will challenged my self to think in english and write blogs in 30 days. In prep school one of my teacher says that if you likely to think that your english is regressing then you start to push your self to create something to brings in english.
In our first topic is interview at Vodafone. It was extremely good experience for me because that was my first job interview. First of all, the applications started six or seven week ago and I sent my CV there. They posted an email and said ‘We will contact you, thanks for applying… etc.’ After two weeks of this email, they sent me an online test. The test has a two part, one of them is the creating a video about my self and my ideas. Second part is the game part. The test welcomes me with little test and video making part. I remember that, It took 10 or 15 minute. And directly comes the gaming part after this 15 minute. I think my first assumption of bad at english comes in this video part 😄, because one or two questions is personal like ‘Who are you?’, ‘Can you explain your self?’ and I answered these. The others are little bit difficult, I don’t remember the questions, but I can’t give some fluent answers. The game was pretty easy, It basis of algorithmic games. It showing a letters, words, color in one by one and closed after showing then waiting to you the select these items with sorted. When you finish the online assignment, the applications is submitted and one more email fell in my email box. This email is quite similar of the first one. One month later, my phone was called and they say ‘Congrats, you qualify the last interview.’ and give some informations of this interview and we arranged a day and time. When the day comes, I was little bit curious and stress. They gave me a case and some time to read, understand, and talk about 10 15 minutes on this case. So, I was very disappointed because I was waiting a technical interview like coding or something in tech, because I want to evaluated with my coding skills. So, this case is english and I can’t talk 10–15 minutes on this case, because I haven’t got any experience and I can’t find some words to talk about specific topic. Then, I decide the improve and practice. 🙂 I think you will understand, I was no accepted Vodafone but the interview bring me to realize to improve my self in english.
30 day blogging challenge #1